There are currently one million refugees from Ukraine living in Poland, including many with disabilities. In order to facilitate their access to various initiatives and services, we decided to create a list of organizations that provide support to people with disabilities or have programs dedicated to them. The purpose of this project is to disseminate up-to-date information about available support for people with disabilities living in Poland.

The below list has been created to primarily help refugees with disabilities and their families. It can also be used by Polish people with disabilities, as well as people working in NGOs and other public benefit organizations. We hope it reaches people who can benefit from it.

On this page you will find organizations specializing in various areas of support. The majority of services offered are free of charge. Next to each organization you will find a brief description of their key activities and hashtags describing the type of support they offer, their working language(s), and the target group(s).

The information published on the page is the result of an online survey conducted by Comenius Foundation for Child Development (FRD) sent out to Polish NGOs, as well as own research and data verification. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all the organizations that reached out to us directly and those who filled out the survey. Special thanks go to the Polish Migration Forum for sharing their internal resources with us, and Mapuj Pomoc (CultureLab Foundation), whose findings proved to be very helpful during the data verification process.

Lists Of Organizations


Voivodeship: małopolskie, mazowieckie, wielkopolskie

integration, legal aid, psychological support, helpline, Ukraine, caretaker support

The Mudita Association supports families and caregivers of people with disabilities through cross-sector assistance and public awareness building. We run two aid points in Warsaw and Krakow, therapeutic, relaxation and integration events, a newsletter and a helpline.
Polish, Russian, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: mazowieckie

education, integration, language courses, refugees, material aid, translation, Ukraine

Organization working for refugees since 2016. It offers individual support (information, translation assistance, administrative support, etc.), limited material aid, Polish as a foreign language lessons, tutoring and occasionally integration events.
English, Belorussian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: małopolskie

integration, speech therapy, refugees, legal aid, psychological support, caretaker support

We support immigrant families with children with disabilities. We organize psychotherapeutic meetings, Polish and English language courses, respite workshops for parents, physical therapy and speech therapy for children. We provide information support on issues related to legalization of stay, integration in Poland, obtaining Polish disability certificates, dyslexia certificates and others.
English, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: śląskie

education, blindness, refugees, psychological support, rehabilitation, medical equipment, Ukraine, workshops, activities for kids

Main activities: purchase of equipment for rehabilitation, revalidation, education, financing of rehabilitation holidays, camps for children, operations, organization of workshops (stationary and away) for children and young people with disabilities, trips, psychological assistance, equalization of opportunities, extracurricular, after-school activities. Assistance to refugees and refugee women from 2022.
English, Polish, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adolescents
Voivodeship: mazowieckie

education, integration, refugees, people in crisis, pedagogical support, violence prevention, Ukraine

A streetworker organization which has been supporting children and adolescents for the last 25 years. Since March 2022 also undertaking integration activities for children and young adults who are war refugees.
Polish, Russian, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: lubelskie

pedagogical support, survivor assistance, legal aid, psychological support, psychological clinic, violence prevention, training, helpline, workshops, caretaker support, activities for kids

Sempre a Frente Foundation has been helping children and young people grow since 2010. It promotes and supports the mental health of young people. It supports the development of psychosocial competencies of children, adolescents and young adults. Among other things, it runs the Children's Aid Center in Lublin, which provides free interdisciplinary support (including psychological, psychiatric, legal) to children with experience of abuse and their non-violent guardians.
English, Polish, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Online services
Yes - helpline for adolescents
Voivodeship: wielkopolskie

physical therapy, speech therapy, people in crisis, pedagogical support, psychological support, psychological clinic, rehabilitation, caretaker support, activities for kids

Fundacja Początek Świata runs a Rehabilitation and Education Center and therapy for children and adolescents.
Polish, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adolescents
Voivodeship: mazowieckie

speech therapy, pedagogical support, psychological support, psychological clinic, violence prevention, sociotherapy, helpline, addicition

The Foundation offers care for children and young people with developmental difficulties, at risk of social exclusion. The Foundation employs specialists in fields such as addiction prevention and therapy, sociotherapy, violence prevention, speech and language therapists, pedagogues and educators.
Polish, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Online services
Yes - helpline (phone and email)
Voivodeship: dolnośląskie, lubuskie, wielkopolskie

people in crisis, survivor assistance, legal aid, psychological support, psychological clinic, caretaker support

We operate a Children's Assistance Center in Głogów. It is a facility where we comprehensively help children who have been victimized by crime, as well as their non-violent caregivers. We also work with children in suicide crisis and children in mourning crisis.
Polish, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adolescents
Voivodeship: lubuskie

education, integration, refugees, people in crisis, seniors, Ukraine, job placement

Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Edukacji Pomost is an organization that works to support the local community. Its activities focus on the promotion of education, social integration, job placement support, as well as the development of creativity and skills of various social groups: young people, people in crisis, senior citizens, Ukrainian refugees and people with disabilities.
English, Polish, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: warmińsko-mazurskie

survivor assistance, psychological support, psychological clinic, violence prevention, sociotherapy, workshops, caretaker support

The Association has been operating since 1995. From the beginning, it has been dedicated to supporting children at risk of or affected by violence, and their families.
Polish, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: mazowieckie

integration, people in crisis, psychological support, psychological clinic, seniors, helpline, Ukraine, addicition, workshops

The Foundation provides psychological and specialized support dedicated mainly to groups at risk of social exclusion. We carry out comprehensive activities aimed at children, adolescents, families and seniors experiencing psychological crises, war, etc. The Foundation employs staff who follow a holistic approach in working with the Foundation's beneficiaries.
Polish, Russian, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: nation-wide

refugees, humanitarian aid, survivor assistance, legal aid, psychological support, violence prevention, Ukraine

We operate 3 support centers for refugees - we offer legal support, Polish language lessons, psychological support and educational support. 2 of our centers are located in Warsaw and 1 in Opole. We also have several mobile teams that travel to different refugee centers in Poland.
Russian, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Online services
Yes - VOD platform with online access to movies
Voivodeship: mazowieckie

education, sport, training, workshops, activities for kids

We do accessibility assessments in different facilities, public spaces and help design new facilities taking into account accessibility for all, especially people with disabilities. We conduct workshops and trainings. We participate in consultations on universal design, support for people with disabilities and their rights.
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Online services
Yes - please see below
Voivodeship: nation-wide

sex education, medical aid

"Search engine for gynecological clinics adapted to people with disabilities. The information in the search engine is based on data obtained from medical facilities. Choose the categories that are particularly important to you, specify the city and find the right office."
Who is benefiting form your services?
adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: mazowieckie

education, refugees, people in crisis, legal aid, psychological support, helpline, Ukraine, workshops, job placement, activities for kids

PFM works for the integration of foreigners and Polish people living abroad, and also initiates and supports activities that lead to dialogue between people of different cultures. PFM specializes in information activities, providing direct support to foreigners (psychological, job placement support, legalization of stay), training (for teachers, psychologists, civil workers) and activities at the intersection od formal and informal education (workshops, urban games). PFM offers special support to migrant women, by organizing birthing classes and support groups for migrant mothers.
English, Belorussian, Dari, French, Pashto, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Online services
Yes - helpline for people who have experienced migration. HELPLINE PFM from Monday to Friday, 12.00 – 18.00. We can speak to you in: Ukrainian Mon-Fri), Russian (Mon-Thurs), Polish (Tues, Thurs, Fri), English and Spanish (Friday). Phone number: +48 22 255 22 02
Voivodeship: małopolskie

sex education, lgbtqia+, psychological support, workshops

"Girls on the Spectrum Foundation is a support organization for girls and Igbt+ people on the autism spectrum with its main goal to create a safe space for them. We offer activities to strengthen sense of agency and empowerment, to develop passions. We also offer mentoring, psychological consultations and self-help groups. We break stereotypes about women and lgbt+ people on the autism spectrum by promoting their creativity and professional success. We also build sensitivity to gender differences among those working with people on the autism spectrum and among their parents and loved ones."
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Online services
Yes - 1) psychological and sexological consultations for LGBT+ adolescent on the autism spectrum, 2) online materials (paid offer)
Voivodeship: nation-wide, mazowieckie

diagnostics, medical aid, rehabilitation, medical equipment, training, caretaker support

The Foundation unites Polish SMA (spinal muscular atrophy) patients and their loved ones, represents their voice and strives to give them better access to treatment, equipment and necessary medical care.
Polish, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults
Online services
Voivodeship: nation-wide

education, deafness, language courses, translation, job placement

The Polish Association of the Deaf is a non-governmental organization of deaf and hearing-impaired people and others associated with the deaf community. The aim of its work is to help the deaf and hearing-impaired in all matters of life, including job placement support, education (PJM learning, training), youth initiatives and others.
International Sign, Polish Sign Language
Who is benefiting form your services?
adults, adolescents
Online services
Yes - 1) online sign language translator 2) online newspaper "The World of Silence"
Voivodeship: nation-wide

integration, training, job placement

The goal of Fundacja Aktywizacja is to support people with disabilities in preparation for and entering the job market, offering, among other things, job placement support. We also help employers create an inclusive work environment and recruitement process.
Polish, Russian, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
Online services
Yes - a database of job offers for people with disabilities:
Voivodeship: pomorskie

psychological support, rehabilitation

The Foundation's mission is to provide psychological and legal assistance, as well as rehabilitation, to burn victims and their loved ones.
English, Polish
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: nation-wide

education, blindness, medical aid, legal aid, psychological clinic, rehabilitation, workshops, job placement

Poland's largest organization for the blind and visually impaired. The organization's activities include education, rehabilitation, legal services and representing the blind and visually impaired community in front of the authorities and other institutions and organizations.
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Online services
Voivodeship: mazowieckie

diagnostics, speech therapy, psychological support, rehabilitation, training, caretaker support, activities for kids

The mission of the SYNAPSIS Foundation is to provide professional assistance to children and adults on the autism spectrum and their families. SYNAPSIS develops systemic solutions to improve their quality of life and offers a range of services, i.e. diagnosis, consultation, therapy and testing.
Polish, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: nation-wide

rehabilitation, medical equipment, job placement

The mission of the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities is to create conditions that facilitate the full participation of Persons with Disabilities in professional and social life. PFRON for Ukraine
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Online services
Yes - database (jobs, organisations, other)

physical therapy, deafness, integration, blindness, psychological support, rehabilitation, medical equipment, training, workshops, job placement

Search engine for NGOs offering support to people with disabilities from PFRON (State Fund for the Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities)
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: mazowieckie

education, integration, people in crisis, rehabilitation, seniors, sociotherapy, job placement, activities for kids

The Open Door Association is a non-profit organization that for more than 26 years has been supporting people at risk of social exclusion: people with disabilities, in crisis of homelessness, children and youth from dysfunctional families, seniors. We run 14 facilities, including 8 for people with disabilities, 1 day care center "Little Prince" for children and young people from the Praga-Północ district of Warsaw.
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: mazowieckie

people in crisis, seniors

We help adults in difficult health and life situations, support their caregivers and activate seniors.
Who is benefiting form your services?
Online services

physical therapy, medical aid, psychological support, material aid, psychological clinic, rehabilitation, medical equipment

The link leads to a map of companies providing support to people with illnesses and disabilities. Search by location, find a company and take advantage of discounts.
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: mazowieckie

sex education, legal aid, psychological support, material aid, rehabilitation, sport, Ukraine, workshops, job placement, caretaker support, activities for kids

We support people with disabilities and chronic illnesses, so that they can become active in every area of their life. The support includes active rehabilitation for children and adults, activities for children and adults, sports activation, sex education, collection portal, sub-account, counseling and job placement support.
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: wielkopolskie

diagnostics, lgbtqia+, people in crisis, medical aid, training, Ukraine, workshops

The Acceptance Foundation is the only organization in Wielkopolskie region established and run by transgender people. Currently, our activities focus on pre-medical first aid for people at risk of social exclusion. We conduct courses, workshops, instructions. We have our own paramedics, medical rescue equipment, and conduct preventive examinations. We cooperate with doctors and health care specialists.
Polish, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: mazowieckie

deafness, translation

Migam is a positive social impact company for the Deaf community. Our clients are companies and institutions, and our target audience is Deaf people. Since our company was founded, we have translated around 300,000 calls (through our video calling system) and more than 5,000 videos and documents. Migam is co-founded by Deaf people, sign language experts and CODA (Children of Deaf Adults).
Polish, Polish Sign Language, Ukrainian Sign
Who is benefiting form your services?
Online services
Tak - całokształt działalnosci
Voivodeship: małopolskie

material aid, seniors, medical equipment, caretaker support

The Life Full of Possibilities Foundation was created for people with disabilities, their families and the elderly, who often suffer from loneliness. The purpose of our activities is, among other things, to provide advice on the selection of appropriate rehabilitation equipment, wheelchairs or other aids. We also aim to provide logistical support in transporting people, equipment and materials to all those who request assistance.
Polish, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: mazowieckie

people in crisis, psychological support, violence prevention

The Mentally Equal Association is a non-governmental organization working for the benefit of people in need of support for solace and mental balance. The association's goal is to counteract all forms and manifestations of social exclusion or social marginalization of individuals or social groups.
Who is benefiting form your services?
adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: kujawsko-pomorskie

medical aid, rehabilitation, medical equipment, job placement, caretaker support

We take care of children up to the age of 18 who require treatment and rehabilitation. Above all, we finance examinations, treatments, surgeries, rehabilitation, medication, travel and stay of our beneficiaries in treatment facilities around the world.
Polish, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adolescents
Voivodeship: mazowieckie

education, refugees, humanitarian aid, Ukraine, job placement, caretaker support

Pro Bono Republic is an organization that works on behalf of people in need. We are engaged in humanitarian assistance, job placement support, implementation of projects supporting the process of adaptation of refugees in Poland, educational and organizational support. Our work is directed at people from minority and refugee communities and environments, people with disabilities, single parents and people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
English, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: małopolskie

education, integration, language courses, Ukraine, workshops, activities for kids

Working for the benefit of residents and of Cracow's Old Debniki district, neighbors and refugees from Ukraine. Integration activities.
English, Polish, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: podlaskie

deafness, integration, language courses, translation, workshops

The Association for Assistance to the Deaf "MIG-iem" is an organization working for the benefit of the deaf and hearing-impaired community. The Association offers free assistance of a sign language interpreter in all areas of life, various group activities, workshops, special events to integrate the community of deaf and hearing people, and sign language courses at all levels.
Who is benefiting form your services?
Voivodeship: śląskie

integration, sport, workshops, activities for kids

Activity club for children and adolescents with autism.
Who is benefiting form your services?
adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: wielkopolskie

rehabilitation, seniors, sport

The association works to provide equal opportunities for people with physical disabilities, including amputees.
Who is benefiting form your services?
Voivodeship: wielkopolskie

legal aid, sport, workshops, job placement, activities for kids

The Foundation organizes activities for children, adolescents and adults, provides social, career and legal counseling, and activates people with disabilities through sports.
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Online services
Voivodeship: nation-wide

rehabilitation, sport, workshops, job placement

The Foundation runs a program for social and carrer activation for people with permanent spinal cord injuries in wheelchairs to help them restore their independence.
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: lubuskie

psychological support, rehabilitation, seniors, workshops, activities for kids

Support for people with ilnesses, those at risk of social exclusion and people with disabilities in finding treatment, rehabilitation and recovery.
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: lubelskie

rehabilitation, caretaker support, activities for kids

We specialize in supporting people with cerebral palsy, people with communication difficulties, including aphasia, and people with complex dysfunctions.
Polish, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults
Voivodeship: mazowieckie

education, deafness, language courses, training, translation, workshops

The Academy of the Young Deaf works for the all-round development of children, young people, and adults who are deaf and hearing-impaired. The organization reduces the barriers of hearing impairment and provides social integration and activation by organizing cultural, artistic, educational, job placement support, informational, sports and recreational activities.
Polish, Polish Sign Language
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: wielkopolskie

diagnostics, physical therapy, medical aid, rehabilitation, seniors, training

The Foundation was established to carry out comprehensive activities in the field of health care and medical assistance to children and adults at risk of social exclusion, including supporting and conducting health, educational, social and charitable initiatives.
Who is benefiting form your services?
Voivodeship: kujawsko-pomorskie

education, integration, refugees, people in crisis, Ukraine

We work against the exclusion of marginalized people, minorities, refugees, people with disabilities, people at risk of poverty. We co-create educational, research and social activities, which are always open and interdisciplinary.
English, Polish, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
Online services
Yes - materials (audio, video, text), np.
Voivodeship: łódzkie

diagnostics, education, medical aid, psychological support, training, workshops

The Foundation works to help people on the autism spectrum by increasing their access to diagnostics, education, building acceptance and providing other forms of support.
English, Polish
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: mazowieckie


"PFON is a non-profit organization with the status of a public benefit organization (PBO), bringing together associations and unions of people with disabilities in Poland. Since 2004, PFON has been a member of the European Disability Forum (EDF). The mission of the Forum is to unite social and institutional forces to create conditions for equal opportunities, equal participation in society and to fight against all forms of discrimination against people with disabilities, so that they can live with dignity and fully benefit from their human rights."
Who is benefiting form your services?
Voivodeship: małopolskie

seniors, medical equipment, caretaker support

Support for people with disabilities, their families and seniors. We assist in purchasing and completing the documentation required to obtain funding for needed medical/rehabilitation equipment.
Polish, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
Voivodeship: podkarpackie

survivor assistance, psychological support, material aid, violence prevention, training, workshops, caretaker support

The Foundation's mission is to facilitate happy childhoods. The Foundation supports children, families, parents and caregivers, especially foster parents.
Polish, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults
Voivodeship: podkarpackie

education, integration, refugees, workshops, activities for kids

The Association runs the TUTU Center for Psychophysical Development in Rzeszow and a range of cultural and developmental activities aimed at children, adults and young people.
English, Polish, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents

education, deafness, integration, blindness, training, workshops, job placement, caretaker support

Information websites, collecting useful information for people with disabilities from various areas of life, including social actions, counseling, law, medical sector and more.
English, Polish
Who is benefiting form your services?
Voivodeship: podkarpackie

survivor assistance, psychological support, psychological clinic, violence prevention

The Foundation's mission is prevention and promotion of mental health. The Foundation runs the project "PROFILED psychological help!" aimed at Ukrainian women and men with disabilities, under which it provides psychological support to people with disabilities and their caregivers.
Polish, Russian, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
Voivodeship: lubelskie, łódzkie, mazowieckie, pomorskie

refugees, people in crisis, humanitarian aid, seniors, Ukraine

Supporting people with intellectual disabilities through job placement support and social activation. The Foundation also runs 5 refugee houses, where women with children, people with disabilities and senior citizens are housed free of charge.
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: pomorskie

education, integration, speech therapy, pedagogical support, psychological support, caretaker support, activities for kids

The Foundation provides activities for the development, education and social integration of children, adolescents and adults with developmental and functional disorders, especially people with Down syndrome.
English, Polish, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: małopolskie

education, psychological support, rehabilitation, training, workshops, job placement, caretaker support, activities for kids

The Foundation has been working for 20 years for the benefit of people with Down Syndrome and their families in areas such as education, integration, rehabilitation, job placement support and self-sufficeincy.
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Voivodeship: mazowieckie, pomorskie

education, survivor assistance, legal aid, psychological support, violence prevention, helpline, caretaker support

We have been protecting children from violence and sexual abuse for more than 30 years. We provide children and their caregivers with professional psychological support and legal assistance. We teach adults how to respond wisely and effectively to violence against children and what to do when they suspect a child is being abused.
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Online services
Voivodeship: łódzkie

people in crisis, survivor assistance, psychological support, violence prevention, helpline, workshops, caretaker support

The Foundation works to support children's mental health. They offer therapeutic care, war trauma assistance, prevention workshops in schools and run a sociotherapy center.
Polish, Ukrainian
Who is benefiting form your services?
children, adults, adolescents
Online services
Yes - helpline
We make every effort to keep the information presented on this site as up-to-date, as possible. However, if you have noticed that any of the information published here is outdated, we would very much appreciate it if you could send us a message at If you represent an organization that works with people with disabilities and would like to be included on this list – kindly let us know by e-mail Thank you for your support!
This activity is conducted by Fundacja Rozwoju Dzieci im. Jana Amosa Komeńskiego with funds provided by Plan International. The aforementioned organization does not take responsibility for the presented content.