Ukrainian children have experienced war, which has strongly shaken their sense of security. So it is natural that they will stick close to people they know. They will not always be open and willing to take on new challenges. Therefore, they should not be separated from their loved ones and thrown unprepared into an unfamiliar environment, such as a kindergarten group or a school classroom. Such actions can have dramatic consequences. Children may feel lonely, frightened, unable to communicate, alienated, or of no value at all. They may suffer and gain nothing from education, because their brains are not ready for development. The inclusion of these children in the educational system must be carried out progressively and great forbearance should be shown. It is necessary to be gentle with the children, but also understanding of Ukrainian mothers who are coping with their own trauma and still responsible for their families. They probably won’t always be able to give their children the support they themselves so desperately need.
So when helping let us remember:
Not to separate children from their loved ones. At the beginning, let’s organize joint meetings so that children can at any time have contact with their mother or another person with whom they feel safe. Let’s get to know each other through joint activities. Even if we don’t know Ukrainian (because we’re unlikely to), we can do something together.